Rising Sign Consulting
w/ Sarah Crisp

I work with creative and mission-driven businesses, building apps and websites!I focus on software/web product strategy where it matters most - creating a clear path ahead, and positioning your business to thrive for years into the future.

Expertise & Focus

🚀 Startups & New Products
Define what you're building, before you invest in development.
💰 Product-Market Fit
Ensure your target audience needs, wants and understands what you're offering.
📈 Evolution
Confidently make changes to your existing product that positively impact and scale with your business.
🤝 Advisory Services
Leverage my years of experience to save yourself some headaches.

About Sarah

Building software and websites professionally for over 13 years, I guide business owners and development teams through thick and thin. Together we prioritize good strategy first, and roadmaps follow.My first professional product launch was in 2011, introducing high-quality online medical training to the veterinary world. That work got me hooked on both product development AND building things that make a direct impact for people.I specialize with creative and mission-driven business owners and leaders who need a partner they can trust. I'm usually the first software product professional they work with.I also love building websites for events (like weddings) and small businesses (like therapybypk.com and waterdogstudio.com). I'm the founder of Queer Social Club, focusing on to building strong LGBTQ+ friendly communities.Personally, I've been building things on the web since 1998, and created the first interactive Redwall quiz site on Geocities (RIP) when I was in sixth grade.Why "Rising Sign"?A rising sign is said to indicate a person's unique perspective and approach to life.My rising sign is Libra, known for being calm, cool and collected.

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